RSD: 2 Free Sponsor Upgrades - Should RuneScape be only for 13+ year olds


Onyx user!
Simple debate, I will choose two winners and they will both receive a $25 Sponsor upgrade. I want this to go to RG but also benefit the members, hence the upgrade prize. The debate is:

Should RuneScape be limited to 13+ year olds?

I'll give a few days/week(s) for this debate to end, good luck. No spam please.


Onyx user!
I believe that Runescape should NOT be for only 13+, but instead, 7+.

Runescape, is a intriguing game. For people 10 years old and less, it is one of the most immersible experiences possible for youngster to experience. I say this from personal experience. I started when I was 7. Every day after School, I bounced on my heels, excited to once again delve into Runescape.

Runescape's game world is large, and defiantly a lot more interesting then taking a stroll around your neighborhood. By playing Runescape, younger people will also gain a learning experience in creativity. Runescape really jumps up the creativity of one, and will also open them to a lot more genres, fiction and non-fiction, in reading and watching [TV]. If it wasn't for Runescape, I perhaps wouldn't be the anime fanatic and fantasy novelist I am today.
Please Please Pleaseeee set a deadline, it helps alot lol.

Should RuneScape be limited to 13+ year olds? No, Runescape should not be limited to 13+ year olds. I for one started playing Runescape at around 10 or so and I fully understood the game and had an amazing time. One thing Jagex did was make it so anyone 12 and under can only communicate via quickchat. I found this out with my accounts when I was 12, so it was a hassle. I quickly learned to make my accounts with an age over 13. This little adventure has taught me a couple things:
1. This game is able to be played by people under 13, and to be enjoyed thoroughly.
2. An age limit would not stop people, it's as simple as changing your birth day from November 12, 2000 to January 1, 1920 xD.

Those are my reasons as to why Runescape should not be limited to 13+ as it's unneeded and easily avoidable.


I do not believe runescape should be limited to playing at age 13+, I as most people it seems on here started at age 10(ish) and I was able to comprehend and understand the game, not to mention runescape as a game has actually taught me a lot, much more then any console game I have ever played. I sure as heck could not comprehend and understand everything that I can now, back then but I also believe I enjoyed playing more back then then I do now. MY only issue with the age, is you are still younger and viable to all the scams/lures as you haven't really seen the violent nature of some of the older players(at least, that was my case).


Onyx user!
I personally think RuneScape shouldn't be for 13+, But the game should of a better way of keeping Noobs and Immature Kids out, It shouldn't be 13+ Because by the time you're thirteen, You will most likely want to watch porn and hang out and smoke pot, Not play with Swords all day online, However their really is no way of Jagex knowing how old you are. But yes, RuneScape should not be only 13+.


Onyx user!
Yes I do believe Runescape should be limited to people 13 and older. I'm not sure if they still do this but they used to make you put that you were 13 or older to sign up. Kids that play the game are extremely annoying begging for gold constantly, attempting to be funny trolls, fail lures etc. It would be great if Jagex found a way to make it so only people ages 13 and older were able to join.


Onyx user!
I believe that it should be limited to around 8+, but a couple of things should be 13+. The game overall is not violent, and it is just something to do for fun. You run around and level up while fighting monsters and making money. I don't see harmful aspects in this game besides cursing, which could always be turned off for kids 12 and under. It might get annoying having little kids around because the quality of players would go down a bit, but then again, the age limit isn't stopping them from signing up if they can just change the date of birth on the site. They don't really do much to stop younger kids from signing up, and there is nothing they can do to find out if you are younger then 13 without looking up information based on if you actually used your real information. I don't get why this game was made 13+ in the first place, besides cursing and maybe aspects of gambling being seen.

Bobby Chaplin

Onyx user!
I don't have much to say but, this game should be for people who understand what the game is and can actually comprehend the people they talk to. Certain age of this game should be 10+ not 13+ it depends on who is playing.


Onyx user!
No, no it shouldn't; Runescape has nothing that may be offensive (graphical wise) held against it, i.e. blood and horror etc... As far as verbal profanity goes in the game, It's optional to disable that, but regardless, a child can not always be withheld from the underlying corrupt side of the internet, that's just how our generation works today. I see this game as one that's an extravagant experience for almost any age :3


Onyx user!
Not 13+, maybe like.. 7+. This game isn't offensive, it's just a fun game. I started playing this game when I was 7 years old.


It doesn't matter much to me, but I would say something like 11+ would be more appropriate. I also remember that when I first registered to RS, it was only 13+. But that was like 6 years ago, so it's probably changed many times after that.


I recall playing Runescape at the age of 8. An exhilarating experience at the time.
I feel that you shouldn't be 13+ to play Runescape simply because of the casual fun it can bring. It can be played by a casual gamer, or a hardcore gamer. Sure you can kill monsters and PvP, but there is no gore, or blood. Runescape can provide hours of immense fun for everyone of all ages. Hell, I showed my 10 year old cousin Runescape, and now after he finishes his school work and isn't hanging with friends, he spends his time on Runescape. If I happen to be on, I'll accompany him in whatever adventure he's doing. He loves it.
Runescape should not be limited to 13+ year olds. I began playing this game when I was about 7-8 and it actually helped me in school. Back then i never knew there used to be 'mining' and 'smithing' back in the day.This game thought me alot about history and showed me what some people had to do back then.

Yer same, I never knew people would kick chickens to death, then pick up their feathers and use it to fish.

Or that people would place a bet, then enter an arena and fist fight to the death, but magically re-appear.


I believe that runescape should not have an age limit of 13+ mainly because I remember starting this game when I was about 7. I don't see a reason no to let the younger kids play this game I mean they don't bother me at all. However, I do see how some players could think that the oher players could be not mature enough but that can easily be solved by having 13+ worlds like they do it for skill points why not ages? So overall I do not see anyhing wrong with younger kids playing and if some people do well they better hope those 13+ world come out.


I believe Runescape should be for any age group, why should kids under the age of 13 be segregated?
Runescape should be for everybody, irrelevant of age. I've known some extremely mature 11-12 year olds, I've also seen some very immature 15-19 year olds.

Age is just a number when it comes to maturity, who's to say I'm more mature than my 12 year old brother? Because in all honesty I'm not. Runescape is a game for kids, there should be no level of maturity to play a kids game. If kids enjoy it then kids should be able to play it, In my opinion the game was designed with kids under 13 in mind. With swearing being censored, and it being in the rules about not posting anything relevant to real life E.G Bank account details, asking for real names etc. This is because a tiny minority of kids are stupid enough to actually post these on the internet.


Onyx user!
I think runescape should be for players of all ages because that is who enjoys it most