Runescape account recovery guide


Onyx user!
Note: This is not my guide, I am just re-posting for others use.

Want to recover old account's, rare name's, rich and long lost account's? This is your guide.

First Step: Finding the username
1. Go to
2. Using the WayBack time machine , go to
3. Go to about 2001-2003. When you get to the page, go to runescape(probably classic)
4. Once your their, go to the Highscores. You will see the highscore's, of all of the old runescape account's. This is a valuable resource for finding old usernames. Here's an example of one of the page's.

First Step V2: Another method to finding username's.
1. Go to
2. Go to the forum's section, and go to runescape classic.
3. Scan through all the thread's, and look through the picture's to find old username's.


Second Step: Finding information on the username
1. Go to
2. Click on username, and search the username that you are trying to find information on.
3. Look through web document's, and personal profile's. If you see ANYTHING that has runescape related to your username, you've hit the jackpot.
4. Use that information that you've found, for your recovery. If it sais where that person live's, then google that location, for a zipcode. Keep all this information handy, when recovering the account.


Third Step: Starting the Recovery
1. Go to
2. Go to account management, and click recover lost password.
3. Put your username that your trying to recover in, and in the second screen, put recover manually.
4. DO NOT put your email in for tracking purposes. Jagex may flag your email address after a couple of recoverie's, and all your recoverie's will just be denied.

Fourth Step: Recovery Questions
1. If the recovery question's are the default recoverie's, with no question's, then just tick the box "I have not set any recoveries".
2. IF their are recoverie's, answer them to your best ability if possible. If they ask, Where do you live? You can most likely get this from the research you did on If it ask's favorite color, take a guess. And, if it ask's favorite vacation, put Florida. This is the most standard favorite vacation, if the person live's in the USA. For questions you have no idea for, put " Iforgotit ".


Fifth Step: Membership Details
1. This is easy, just put paypal, around january-may 2002, and 1month recurring.
2. The reason for this, is because paypal came out in late 2001, early 2002, and it was very popular for online purchases.


Sixth Step: Previous Passwords
1. Previous password's has got to be the hardest, yet most important part. For the first password, if you had found out either the player's last name, or where he live's, put that in the first password.
2. For the second password, put either killer,qwerty1234,123456,or password.
3. For the last password, put, iforgotit


Seventh Step: Contact Details
1. If you managed to find the zipcode of the player, from using and searching his location via , then put the player's zipcode in this box.
2. If you DIDN'T manage to find the zipcode, then just put 10259.
3. For the email address, ONLY fill this out if you found his email via , if you aren't for sure that you found his email address, do not fill this box out. It's not that important.


Eight Step: New Password
1. Just fill out the password you want the account to be changed to.


Ninth Step: Creation Details
1. This is one of the MOST important aspect's of the recovery.
2. Usually, if the player does not show up on highscore's, then that mean's he was just a runescape classic player. If this is the case, put any month between April-December, year 2001.
3. If you got the name from a 2002 highscore's, then put October-December, 2001.


Tenth Step: Internet Provider
1. If the are from USA, then put AOL for the internet Provider.
2. If their from Sweden, put Pirate-Bay.
3. If they are from UK, Australia, or any other country, just search for that countrie's most popular ISP(Internet Service Provider).


Eleventh Step: Moved houses
1. This box is totally optional, but it seem's to me that your recovery work's better when you fill this out.
2. Put December, 2010 for your move date.


Twelth Step: Extra Information
1. Their is many different thing's you can say for extra information, below are some example's, from most effective to least effective.

Info 1: Dear Jagex, I have not played runescape in many year's. I have lived all around the world, and I recently moved to where I am living now. My old password's and information was on my old computer that is long lost due to computer dieing. Please understand the situation, I really want to start runescape again!

Info 2: Dear Jagex, I have not played runescape in sooo long. I can't remember how long, as my memory is very bad! You see, I have alsheimer's. I forgot most of my detail's, besised's my username, thank's to a close friend of mine. Please, do not make me lose my account just because of my illness. Please understand what is going on to me, It's not my fault I can't remember my information!


YOUR RECOVERY IS COMPLETE. You should now get a tracking id, keep this safe. I recommend keeping all of your information in a wordpad, for each username, this keep's it very organized. Thank's for using my guide, and good luck!​
It's outdated a bit, but thanks for posting nonetheless. Give some credits?
I tried this once or twice in the past, not to much success, actually none at all.

But I was sloppy and dumb then, might give this another shot. Thanks for this list, gives the process some organisation.
Apollo said:
I tried this once or twice in the past, not to much success, actually none at all.

But I was sloppy and dumb then, might give this another shot. Thanks for this list, gives the process some organisation.

Yeah, It can take some time. But the payout is worth it.
Guide is outdated OP, just filling you in. thanks for the effort.
Colin said:
Guide is outdated OP, just filling you in. thanks for the effort.

Not really, it still works like this.
Cxlin said:
Nestea said:
Colin said:
Guide is outdated OP, just filling you in. thanks for the effort.

Not really, it still works like this.
How many success' have you had with this method?

I have had quite a bit of success of the years, it is just all about the time and effort you put in to finding the person's info.

I have made over 2b+.
Nestea said:
Cxlin said:
Nestea said:
Colin said:
Guide is outdated OP, just filling you in. thanks for the effort.

Not really, it still works like this.
How many success' have you had with this method?

I have had quite a bit of success of the years, it is just all about the time and effort you put in to finding the person's info.

I have made over 2b+.
Sounds like a very good method if you actually put effort into getting the information. I hope to earn some money with this.
Cryptic said:
Sweden's ISP is PirateBay? Fail guide is fail.

I did not write it, that indeed was a mistake by the OP but does not make the whole guide a fail. Thanks for pointing that out though, bro!
Latersbro said:
Giving this a try now. Will post how it goes

Unless your extremely lucky you will have to be pretty dedicated. You'll hit so many dead ends, just gotta keep thinking and ploughing through them.

Good luck. Make sure you do update/make a thread in spoils :)
Like to know how this will go.
Yeah it's all about the info you can dig up on a person, once you have a decent amount of info you can easily figure out previous passwords. And previous passwords are a major part of being accepted.
Recovered quite a few accounts of IRL friends who have quit 3-4 years ago, nothing notable though. Will keep trying!
Guide is ripped off somewhere else, I've seen this plenty of times.

But thanks for sharing it to the people who haven't been able to read it.
HeyDer said:
Guide is ripped off somewhere else, I've seen this plenty of times.

But thanks for sharing it to the people who haven't been able to read it.

Hmmm could of sworn somewhere I said It wasn't my guide, Oh right!

Nestea said:
Note: This is not my guide, I am just re-posting for others use.

There it is!

I took zero credit for this, therefore it's not ripped.

Thanks for reading!