RuneScape's | FREE | Auth Give-Away |


Ever wanted that auth, but you could never get your hands on it?
Ever got that auth, but it didn't work?

In this thread, NONE of that exists

01. AutoAgilityPro: 25xz8AGMAN4K2ACBN
02. AutoAlcherPro: 88xz62R46WVKFNL3H
03. AutoCookerPro: 65xz4820Q8PGLAREJ
04. AutoCrafterPro: 99xz3HAKRCR4V3D3N
05. AutoDagganothPro: 226xz6G80FLTE9BGB7
06. AutoFighterPro: 71xz2U4R7CF967HEF
07. AutoFisherPro: 64xz3EMT279FVN6T2
08. AutoFruitsPro: 435xz859K7Y85MU9E7
09. AutoGDKPro: 257xz8KDFVYU4JSM8Q
10. AutoHunterPro: 24xz2EBV9640QNEBM
11. AutoMinerPro: 43xz1CAJ83HVS7B3M
12. AutoOrbsPro: 264xz3Q430GB9AMSW0
13. AutoPuroPro: 588xz68M3M0MUFAA7K
14. AutoStealingCreationPro: 60xz12YC73FD2TNSQ
15. AutoStunnerPro: 233xz7YJMT5BLWQLPR
16. AutoSummonerPro: 125xz3C5N085D7HSWW
17. AutoWoodcutterPro: 51xz43TNQ21DJTEJK
18. AutoYaksNX: 475xz21YSG4NKE1HLJ
19. AutoZombiesPro: 483xz558FP5WFD4PP2
20. KMiner: 106xz128MG5A74MR2A
21. WarriorGuildBeta: 671xz6BYT95AFHPC4Y


If people want it, they want it. They can use it for whatever reason.. I'm just giving away auths.
Give me a minute, I'll look at it.

Edit: I'll be back in about 15 Mins, sorry!
Sure, PMing you one and last one for today when I get back I'll give more, keep posting!
This isn't for requests.. Read the thread please, and no I don't have an auto dungeoneering. I only have what's in the original post.