Safe to multilog ????????


Active Member
I was wondering if it was safe to multilog and play on one account that is being botted, while I play on my legit account on a different browser. Concern is I want to get my dung up on both accounts so I figure I'd get my pure that is 67 dung legit and have it join my main account that is botting dung do all/majority of the work.

My BIG CONCERN IS considering I'm using rsbuddy produng to bot, and swiftkit as my other browser. Both the same ip address obviously, is there a chance of me getting banned and is it big enough for me not to attempt to do this.
Well, you're going into a different world so you shouldn't have to worry at all.
I want to do it in the same world. Same dung lol. I would basically be helping my botted main. To decrease his deaths and ofc get dung xp :)
I don't really want to make a big risk with some info, someone told me they know someone that did it and got banned :/

How long and often do you do this automatic?
They log your cpu id used on the account

So yea if your botting dung on both its ok

But if you are botting Hunter on one and dung on the other its not ok

I double log but not realy

I bot on my PC while I play on my mac on another account
So yea If you have 2 pc's or macs it wont matter

Just dont get reported when botting or multilogging or both accounts will get banned
Yea I don't think I'm going to take such a risk.
dude I run 2 to 3 accounts everyday on the same ip, been doing it since august. I have been rolled on my slave gold farming account which I botted for 50 hours straight and my main other accounts didn't get touched. Jagex won't ban cause who's say that your friend isn't playing a pc on the same network.