Scammed once again.

@was this is an invalid warning anyways, he's got irl problems to deal with and I know you're desperate to purchase that instagram you want, but just give him time.
Pandas said:
@was this is an invalid warning anyways, he's got irl problems to deal with and I know you're desperate to purchase that instagram you want, but just give him time.

like i said i thought me and him were close friends, i texted him about it and he doesnt care trust me.. like thats 150$... all he did with it was spend 35 of it.
So me and @was got everything worked out, ban me if you think it is necassary, but in reality nothing did happen.
Glad you guys worked it out cause if anybody ever scammed me I would be knocking at their door with the Shotty (Flashlight, Laser Sight) ;)
Heaven said:
So me and @was got everything worked out, ban me if you think it is necassary, but in reality nothing did happen.

Glad to see you guys worked it out! :D
Darth Vader said:
Damn. im sorry to hear about this. Hopefully it gets resolved.

It already has been resolved, Mack just wasn't home to send the Paypal at the time.
Now Cole doesn't remember his password, I'm texting both of them.
was said:
@heaven on fk.... took 150$ paypal from me, promising that he will buy me an @ so that i dont get scammed, and is now refusing to return the money to me.

3rd time now that i've been scammed. getting kinda tired of it

HUGE misunderstanding, sorry about all of this, especially @heaven

lost a good friend because of this
@shift hit the nail on the head mate. You need to stop been silly handing real money over to virtual people. I have successfully middle manned 4 people this week. They are all happy bunnies and got what they wanted. PM me next time to save a 4th disappointment.
Dreams said:
@Was buy my instagram and this will never happen again m8

check the pms dog, do you mind if we use a middleman ?
ONE said:
Did you get your money back? I don't follow what happened here.

i got most of the money back, but yeah other then the 40 dollar loss everythings good now
was said:
it was actually tease on my account, and i apologized to you already about it "lol"

Hmm that's seems legit mate. #spo0k
was said:
no need to be hostile... he's been a good friend of mine for years i didnt think he would scam me

That's why you gotta listen to Drake when he say no new friends.

Lesson learned bruv.