Scarecrow's XBox Shop (oG's, Semi - oG's, Science Tags, Codes, CHEAP!)

Hey, If you're on, I was just wondering if "Two Betrayals" was available, and if you could show me a quick picture of it logged in. Thanks, I would've PM'd, but I'm new to FK
Platypus said:
Hey, If you're on, I was just wondering if "Two Betrayals" was available, and if you could show me a quick picture of it logged in. Thanks, I would've PM'd, but I'm new to FK

Yes, it's still available.

Heres me logged in
Bumping this up. Please don't bother pming me if you are going to offer Paypal. I DO NOT ACCEPT PAYPAL. Stop asking me if I do >.<
Coby13 said:
How much are you selling dislike and killionare for?

I'd sell them for Microsoft Points pretty cheap. Do you have an offer?