You're right, I haven't taken physics, although, I passed chemistry with a breeze and I'm finishing biology up in the high 90's. I honestly have no clue why you find it so hard to grasp, that things could be incredibly different elsewhere. It's quite hard to imagine what we don't know, of course, but to think we know what we don't, isn't any better.
Look at how much we've altered belief based on scientific discoveries over just the last, say, 50 years. If you think we're going to just stop, find out that we know it all, and nothing else is to be discovered, I think you'll find yourself to be sadly mistaken. The elements we've discovered have only been proven to be stable under the conditions of the earth, we don't have the first clue how they'll react under others until we're able to test them, which certainly won't be in our life time. There are gaps in the periodic table yet to be discovered, so we certainly don't know it all. The difference between mammals, bacteria, plants, etc. here on earth should be reason enough to believe there are a ton more possibilities for organisms to survive.