How said:Guys please just hear me out ok. I know im new to FK and i am fully aware of that but you have to understand that from my point of views if you want to buy something then you pay for the item first and then receive it once it is payed for. I apologise if this upsets anybody but ive lost so much stuff lately ( GT's - Chlorine, Missile, Voltage, P6i ) im not risking loosing this GT aswell sorry guys.
Knоwn said:What do you mean you lost P6i? I bought that off of someone and it was legit.
Also I don't think you had those other ones. No offense.
How said:I lost Missile due to getting Phisched by a guy called lewis, Voltage is now my friends, P6i was owned by Sam ( Envious ) who scammed me for it ...
I was the first person to own Voltage when it reset !
I also never said that i wasnt comfortable to use a MM. I said im not happy to go 2nd because of all the GT's ive lost
vvs said:Im confused 0.o how do someone phished your account? and how did youknow it was that guy that did it.