Selling 3 OG Instagram's (UPDATED WITH PRICES)


Power member.
Selling two quality nice OG IG's I'm not posting them here you must hmu on aim at Wale. these are nice IG;s so hmu.

UPDATE: just got a new in stock still have all 3 need these sold tonight hmu on aim at wale! Need them gone tonight !

Gr*m - 200 bin
P*rsp*ctiv* - 100 bin
S*lf*sh - 150 bin
RE: Selling 2 OG Instagram's

I don't use aim, can you possibly PM me. As you said you won't post here I didn't know if it mean PM also.
RE: Selling 2 OG Instagram's

I hope theses are some good accounts. Good luck, Alex.
RE: Selling 2 OG Instagram's

GLWS I'm not bothered asking what they are because there are probably going to be over my budget.
RE: Selling 3 OG Instagram's (UPDATED NEW ONE)

Bump selling tonight only but up if you have funds
RE: Selling 3 OG Instagram's (UPDATED NEW ONE)

Bumping because you mentioned it on multiple threads. ;)
User seems legit, GLWS bro. x
RE: Selling 3 OG Instagram's (UPDATED NEW ONE)

Could you PM me the list? Don't really use AIM. If you have to my AIM is "Brady".
RE: Selling 3 OG Instagram's (UPDATED NEW ONE)

I will be pming you right now

Highly interested in these
RE: Selling 3 OG Instagram's (UPDATED NEW ONE)

Bump need sold right now !!!! Someone please buy
RE: Selling 3 OG Instagram's (UPDATED NEW ONE)

Vouch for the big homie. He always got nice shit in stock.
Bump added prices!! Need gone today
bump tryna sell these not sure if I can bump again
I've wanted the first one for quite awhile, I may pick it up for the right price.
I like these @'s
but not really interested. glws

// @Ride fix your site, I tried registering and it's saying my ip has been blocked due some abuse or whatever.
Bumping this shit need sold asdap my friend needs the money for dog food bruh and his hgamster needs a new rolly ball
BUmp tryna get rid of asap thanks you