Selling an OG gamertag 75$

Pm me what the tag is bro!
Please PM me picture proof to have this thread reopened. Make sure you include your username. :)
Proof has been provided through a PM. This thread is now open.
Ogtaggers said:
sounds like a vouch to me thanks

No, it is not a vouch. It's just part of my job to make sure that everyone provides picture proof. .-.
Ocean said:
No, it is not a vouch. It's just part of my job to make sure that everyone provides picture proof. .-.

ehhh fair enough i respect it though
Pm me the tag bro, If I like it I might buy. Will you use a middleman?
I pm you and you do not answer.
Either :

1. He doesn't care about selling that bad.
2. He already has a deal.
heads up people if the tag is Selfish it is Banned and the owner is a scammer and multiaccounter he scammed my friend before hes still trynna scam NOBODY BUY IT!
Liessssss. This tag is banned, I've had it on my Friends List before and it had "Code of Conduct" ALL over it. Trying to goof people for their money. Scamming much?

BTW guys, the tag is "Selfish" (Banned)

Clearly the tag is banned. No one in their right mind would put "selling for 75$" in their own bio. 2 if you want more proof just have him send you a message via tinker or have him send you a friend request, not you send him a friend request.
Shadow said:
Clearly the tag is banned. No one in their right mind would put "selling for 75$" in their own bio. 2 if you want more proof just have him send you a message via tinker or have him send you a friend request, not you send him a friend request.

You can send FRs from a banned account. Make him message you via xbox from it - you can't do that on a banned gt.
Clearly this tag is fucking garbage and it's permanently banned and the OP is fugly.

@Shadow, in your sig you're forgetting Kramer, Time, CoRReCts, Basics, JustCallMeGod, and a couple more.