Selling MEGA OG - Pu*e


User is banned.
Looking to sell probably the only MEGA OG on the site at the moment (haven't bothered looking).

I am looking for an extremely good offer for the tag, middleman will likely be used.

Trades will be considered, don't bother offering me 10 GT's for one, I don't have time to sell your shit semi's.

Contact me on AIM if you're interested.

EDIT: All friend requests will be rejected, I am not interested in becoming part of OG only friends lists.

EDIT 2: I will not automatically accept your offer without having seen other offers first, as I am looking to get the best price for this tag.
Holy shit does this gamertag happen to rhyme with lube?!
EwOk said:
Holy shit does this gamertag happen to rhyme with lube?!

Lol, not sure what gamertag you're thinking of, but this one doesn't rhyme with lube.
Greed said:
Lol, not sure what gamertag you're thinking of, but this one doesn't rhyme with lube.

He thinks it's Pube and that would be the ugliest tag ever.

This tag is worth 1k$+. Good luck with sales.
Shadow said:
He thinks it's Pube and that would be the ugliest tag ever.

This tag is worth 1k$+. Good luck with sales.

Rofl, Pube... I didn't even consider that one.

Only a thug could pull off a GT like that without looking like a fag.
He/she has this tag. Received friend request and he repeated my message. Best tag I've seen so far.
Vouch for Greed, delt with her in the past, glws.
Oh my god I haven't seen a tag this good in forever. You're gonna get like 800 for this.
Lol glws dude, inb4thefagsstartsaying"scammer"
Greeds boyfriend is Richard aka Villain.
He is a known scammer. He has the Tag 'Foe' and Greed here had the details for 'LOVE' spaced out, according to Richard late last year.

If you look around on HF for him you'd be sure to find him, or ask any of the old lads back from the GT days.
His currently open HF uid:1233786

He and Greed are known for scamming with their sick tags.
Beware xx
has valid scam reports with this gamertag, not trashing... just informing... she couldn't sell it before becasue all the reports.
Here comes the hate, I am still waiting for people to actually post these scam reports.....

You randoms are just perpetuating a rumor started by some other random, without ever posting any evidence.

Getting called out, an also nobody even knows if the hole "greed is my gf thing" is legit. Might just be a little fib
Papa said:
Getting called out, an also nobody even knows if the hole "greed is my gf thing" is legit. Might just be a little fib

If I were you, I'd go and headbutt the nearest hard object. Your brain is clearly malfunctioning.
Wow this is by far the best tag I've seen on forumkorner, if I had the money I would put a super high bid, but I don't :/. GLWS greed!
Hey dumbass she's selling one tag ya fuck. Not 3, I'm selling all 3 as bundle so ya still best 3 tags on FK and why don't you dick ride me some more and post my name in all your post like you always do. You love me so much you even comment my name in other users rep. It's okay to come out of the closet and say you have a crush on me. So this is a hint to hop off my D since you are so attached to it
Better luck selling this on HF, most users are broke on FK
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