You've just showed how fucking dumb you are right there, that's obviously talking about the member known as Pure LOL.
I've never jacked a tag? Lol, dude you're so ignorant it's incredible, please explain how I got all my tags then? If I only had spaced tags, why have I had tons of OG's under 7 characters? Also, if you try and say I bought them, please list them and tell me who from, especially when I had OG's before nearly anybody.
I accept WU, Moneypak, Moneygram, or any other secure payment method (not Paypal).
Lol, there aren't many other forums that have much of a gamertag community, in fact I don't know of any others besides HF and FK. You're a 2013 kid, or perhaps a late 2012 kid at best, stop trying to act like you know anything.