Dreams said:
@condemner that will be the day I can't afford a aim lmao. This is worth no where near your bin. And anyone that pays ur bin should kill themselves cuz ur price is straight rape. Fuck off skid
Lol why are you complaining about $50...are you really that hurt for cash? After doing some research this price is a bit lower than I could get for it, i've seen shit aims selling for $40-60 on this site.
And last part - skid? What programming languages do you know? you obviously have superior programming knowledge in order to referr to someone as a script kiddie. I have a degree in CS and have a working understanding of C, Py, and PHP. I'm not the best at them but i'm certainly no skid.
Now Mr Dreams, kindly stop replying to me as I don't like communicating with hurt little kids on the internet.