Selling SEMI OG Tags


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RE: Selling OG Tags

Non Are Semi OG But GLWS Hope They Sell
Proof is not an option, evertime you make a sale thread you must include the proof man.
Carson said:
Proof is not an option, evertime you make a sale thread you must include the proof man.

I will edit it and put the proof now.
none are oG or semi oG. hypersensitivity is not semi because its 2 words, with 2 suffixes. the oG would be hyper, or sensitive. and the semi would be hypersensitive.
Quad said:
you must post proof good sir

I edited.

jbortiz said:
i have the gamertag shootinq

Show proof?

Hat said:
none are oG or semi oG. hypersensitivity is not semi because its 2 words, with 2 suffixes. the oG would be hyper, or sensitive. and the semi would be hypersensitive.

Yeah I prettty much knew all of them was not OG. But I didnt know about Hypersensitivity. Thanks by the way.