Selling Youtube, Minecraft, Email

Jonathanmp said:
If I don't respond IM sorry IM busy studying you don't have to be a dick about it really and its just rep . And I never promised to buy nothing so your the one getting mad for nothing

You're busy studying meanwhile it says you are replying to a PM. okay.
Those are nice emails when I get money ill buy one alright what's the,least you will take for 1 of then
Jonathanmp said:
Those are nice emails when I get money ill buy one alright what's the,least you will take for 1 of then

Okay, great message me when you want one.
I really like cherry ill message when I get enough money
Jax said:
lmk if this youtube is still avaliable nd for sale

Didn't see your message till now, ill sell it to you mate.