Should you have a child within the first year of marriage?


What is your opinion?
I personally feel that the couple should devote some time to their married life,to each other,have fun,go for outings,spend quality time together and then may be after two or three years of marriage,they should think of having a child because that entails a lot of responsibilty.

You may agree or disagree.
Share your perspectives!
Your thinking is good but i think it's don't work same for all . If we live alone, only husband and wife , than it is good. But when we live in combined family, than it is not good. In combined family caring a child is not a tough work.
In which age you got married, also effect this question. If you got married in early age than you can wait but you got married in older age than waiting for a child is not a fair.

I will have to agree with you on that. Newly wed couples should enjoy the feeling of being husband and wife for a year or two to enjoy their married life. Having a child would transform them from husband and wife to parents and that would mean less time for each other since most of their time will be devoted to the child.
You are right there. I did the same, I had my only child after 4 years of my marriage and we two had a lots of fun before having the pleasure of becoming parents. This is not possible to enjoy and know each other if one is a parent in first year of marriage. But that depends.

i agree with you. i think a couple should spend all their time together at the first year of marriage. Have quality time, do fun things, go out, and prepare for the plans of having a baby. when you have a baby already you won't have much time spending time alone because you need to take care of the child. That's why it's better not to have baby first until you are both ready for it.

That depend on the couple if they want to have a child on the first year of their marriage or not.
Thu some couples want to spent more time with each other before planning to have a kid,which I agree so they can have more time with each other and when a baby comes...they will surely feel the responsibility of having a kid.

I think that totally depends on the couple, if they want to have one or not.
But me, I have the same thinking like you. I think they should spend more time together and get to know better coz once the baby is born, I think the parents are busy with their baby and they won't get as much time to discuss what is also an important issue.
I also believed that the couple should first enjoy themselves as couples on the first year of marriage. Afterall, they got married for themselves first so they celebrate the sweetness and joy of being blissfully united. But when God gives us our first child, even if we aren't prepared yet, we have to embrace accepting His gift. Planned or not planned, babies are wonderful gift from God that we cannot deny.
I think it's different for everyone. You should have children when your ready. When i say ready i mean mentally, financially etc. That may be your first year of being married or it may be ten years later.
That depends on the couple. But spending time together during the first year would be ideal so that the couple would have enough time to enjoy and also make their adjustments as they start their marriage life together.

If given a chance I will embrace it 100 percent. As much as we want to enjoy married life I guess having a kid will complete the family. moreover my parents will be happy for they will have a grandchild,I feel how excited and how they wanting it.
No. You should have your first child later so you can have more fun first on your marriage. I know a child can add more fun in your life but you have to enjoy yourselves first.
for me, it depends on the couple. if they are financially stable and they can support their child why not, but if not i think it's not the right time yet.
I think it is better if the couple is stable because it is hard to support a family if you are not stable. Everytime you think were to get food for your family because you are not stable and you must have a good job to support your financial needs.
I think it does not really matter when will a couple has a child. As long as they talked about it and feels that they could raise their own child then they can decide when to have it. If they are capable enough of raising their own children and possesses responsible parenthood they can now plan of having a child be it in their first year of marriage or so.
Having a child is a great responsibility you will be bearing, so there is no time limit that you should have a child within a fixed period. When you are mentally, socially , emotionally capable of taking the responsibility then you could have a child that may take some years as well
Yes I agree with you.Very valid point you mentioned.The age at which you are getting married does matter.And also as you have said if one is living in a joint family then it would not be too much of a hassle in raising a child.Thanks for sharing your perspective.

Thanks for agreeing with my point. Good to know that you feel the same way.

It is great to know of your personal experience in this matter.Thanks a lot for sharing this with us.Wish you and your family a very happy life.:Smile:

I simply loved your response.You are right in every way!Thanks for your response! :Smile:

hi good day, you are right, but its not happened to me because im get pregnant during our first year in marriage , we dont enjoy each other because the baby has come but its okay atleast our angels more gives happiness to us.
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