Sick Animal / Lizard Tag (Anol*s)


Onyx user!
This is a Fresh silver account.
No consoles

Definition- Any of numerous chiefly insectivorous New World lizards of the genus Anol*s, related to the iguana, that have the ability to change the color of their skin among a wide range of green and brown shades.

I'm sure you guys know what this is, PM me if you don't. Thanks

Taking Paypal only, Offer me.​
Im interseted i can pay a good price on this hmu on kik

Kik Tennis
Thanks a lot, don't fuck with @Prancer he is Sketchy lmao
Prancer said:
Im interseted i can pay a good price on this hmu on kik

Kik Tennis
I don't think anyone is selling you stuff. Offsite scammer.
@Element*, Yeah he thought he was slick. but got negged. He needs to get banned.

Bump need this sold hmu guys thanks.