Sickest OG shop

Holy shit ride my dick some more. You're a fan.
I wasn't talking to u, u irrelevant degenerate.
Vouch for James. Good luck selling these the twitters are very fuckin, dank.
these are sick asf but in the back of my head I kinda want proof
So you're the guy who hacked my friends instagram.
This user hacked my friends big ig, DWC.
he is multing on this account. He takes back the aims so be careful. Other then that he is legit with the rest
tons of people have bought aims from me and ive never taken them back there is 0 reports open on me on any of the forums stating that so please take that shit elsewhere dreams.

as far as the ig goes i didn't trade that kid or scam him in anyway i haxd it in a legit manner and worked out a deal for him to keep it. So those of you saying DWC without dealing with me need to get fucked thanks :D
@Jmoney I have heard things about aims and you took 1 of mine back... You have also sold me twitters and youtubes legit soo
logically think about that then dreams youtubes/twitters worth more than aims if i was going to scam i would of taken those back. Hearing stories and seeing proof are totally different stories come from people like you throwing around accusations without knowing what youre talking about. As far as you losing an AIM i garuntee it wasn't me that took your aim IF I sold it to u. There have been plenty of exploits that kids have gone rampant with the last few years.
PM sent i'm looking to get around a bill for the kik
hello @jmoney is this erebus?
Bowl said:
You don't own any of those twitters lol. Provide Proof. Even tho you don't own them.

are u dumb? lmao u must not know james. he owns every single thing on here and so much more.