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RE: (Buyout$100MP) GT: Multiply.!!!

paypal for only 100+ rep? :( what is life?! glws though. <3
RE: (Buyout$100MP) GT: Multiply.!!!

Durantula Overachiever is not better than MUltiply
keep it at 100 glws
RE: (Buyout$100MP) GT: Multiply.!!!

What's the highest bid atm?
RE: (Buyout$100MP) GT: Multiply.!!!

Topside said:
What's the highest bid atm?

oh my god your gif in your signature i think i just died LAWL.
off topic i know but it had to be said.
RE: (Buyout$100MP) GT: Multiply.!!!

I'll bid $80 PayPal if you decide to take PayPal.
RE: (Buyout$100MP) GT: Multiply.!!!

ill buy $100 MP tomorrow.. dont sell to anyone else.
RE: (Buyout$100MP) GT: Multiply.!!!

this is a pretty good tag. GLWS
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

@ Advance , Thanks

Bummmmp !!! I need offers That actually have the funds set and GO !!!
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

Wow I should of kept this Tag its going for alot now
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

You had the buyout at $110 now its n/a since Kev offered the buyout. -.-

No wonder this isn't selling.
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

Hash said:
You had the buyout at $110 now its n/a since Kev offered the buyout. -.-

No wonder this isn't selling.

I'm waiting on my offer to get his money i have offers higher than $110 . but they have me waiting.........

sorry for the inconvenience.
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

Lol I bought this Tag a couple months ago for $25
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

Kev said:
I decided not to go any higher. No offense vvs but I don't want the account to get taken back after I buy it.

it's not idk y that other guy accuse me of that like serious i don't need the account i have better 1s . i told that guy it was either the MM or snap back. I'm not responsible for what happen to the account after its sold. I could've helped him get the account back but i didn't like the way he was speaking to me.

@ supreme you would made a good profit if you had it now. =p
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

Close this fucking thread already it's pointless if you're only waiting to sell this to an outside buyer
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

@ junior dude calm the fuck down . and he's not an outside buyer . and whats the big deal your not interested in the tag why bother posting !
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

Because 2 people already offered your buyout and you haven't sold it yet
RE: GT: Multiply.!!!

Junior said:
Because 2 people already offered your buyout and you haven't sold it yet

Ok. 2 ppl offer me a higher bid than the buyout I had. if i can get more money then I intended of course I'm go for it ....

sorry if it's makes you mad.
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