[SOLD]Selling 3 Letter Tag

RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

Can you PM the 2nd letter? I'm quite interested.
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

Dang i've always wanted this gamertag and now it goes for sale and i dont have btc atm. fudge.
anywhore, good luck selling this. If you still have it when i get money ill hit you up.
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

Sad this is BTC only...

GL with sales
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

I'll bin this. If you accept pp, I'll give you $80. If not, I'll find a n exchanger which might take a little. Find a MM, or go first, but hmu asap. If you take pp, no mm needed.
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

PM me the tag, I am very interested.
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

ill buy this for 100$ btc right now lmk!
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

You're lying or @Fender was lying. @Fender tried selling this to @Loser a few weeks ago.
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

Oh fuck, if this is fucking Simon (aka @fender aka @GWK) then fuck.
Just found that out btw, staff may want to look into at fender. His kik Si.N is Simon Nesich . Scammed me on another site, sythe. Apparently looked into him guess he was GWK on here. Wonder how many multiz he has, damn.
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

This tag has been passed around, pretty sure it has AID's.

Nonetheless, GLWS.
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

Hybrii said:
I am selling my three letter tag, I've had it for a little over a year. I sold my console about a month ago so their is no reason for me to hold on to this any longer.

I bought it off a trusted HF member, and swapped it to a new silver immediately after I purchased it a year+ ago.

I don't know all of the stats, and I can't really check because I no longer have my console so I'll just list the stats that I know of:

Call of Duty Ghosts: Max Prestige, Everything Unlocked, High Stats
Destiny: Level 29 Hunter with all VoG armor except boots, lots of exotic/legendary weapons

Gamertag: G*u

BIN: $60

BTC only!
Yo , mind PMing me the tag? Thanks dawg.
RE: Selling 3 Letter Tag

Shock said:
You're lying or @Fender was lying. @Fender tried selling this to @Loser a few weeks ago.
I don't know who Fender is, but he does not have this tag.

Chats said:
This tag has been passed around, pretty sure it has AID's.

Nonetheless, GLWS.
It hasn't been passed around in over a year and I put it on a new silver after I got it.