Some of the best GT's on FK


Power member.
Do not offer me anything under the buyout i will not take it
dont ask. Dont offer to trade unless it is a COMMON word 9 letters or less. Do not offer me anything from a shop i will not.

GT: Impulse
Bid: 70$
Buyout: 100$
Extra Info: Level 58 in MW3

GT: Alligator
Bid: 50$
Buyout: 110$

GT: Luxurious
Bid: 30$
Buyput: Offer

GT: Contender
Bid: 10$
Buyout: Offer
I will buy Alligator.

You dont like to sell me tags for some reason though.
Ill sell it to u leafs :)
just it didnt seem like u on aim honestly
NICE Tags bro good luck with sales.. prices overpriced though
Idc if you think prices are overprriced i am still taking bids
Dope tag bro. Would buy if I had the money to. Good luck!
hey i have 6 3 letter gamertags? if you want those they are. L6X, L6B, U1R, WX9, V2H, WU4. L6X and L6B has 10th on all cods including mw3 and mw2 all titles and emblems. and V2H has 10th on all cods except mw3 its 2nd prestige with all guns rank to 31 and 19 gold titles. message me back for a good offfer for alligator or S s

hey i have 6 3 letter gamertags? if you want those they are. L6X, L6B, U1R, WX9, V2H, WU4. L6X and L6B has 10th on all cods including mw3 and mw2 all titles and emblems. and V2H has 10th on all cods except mw3 its 2nd prestige with all guns rank to 31 and 19 gold titles. message me back for a good offfer for alligator or S s
would you trade S s for "Colonizer" "l943"?
oh ya and Dreams did you use to play on the account vda?
no i lent it to a friend...
so basicly gave it away terror..
i put all BO achievments on it. for a video
You have some really nice gamer tags here I'm sure you won't need it but good luck with selling! :)
thanks void im surprised u didnt flame me likei flame u :( thanks
still sellin
prices are a little high to avoid lowballs
any low offers will be ignored
Damn, if only I had some money, I would snag S s as fast as I could. Good luck with sales, Dreams.