Some OG Skypes [Selling]

The SM Legend

User is banned.
Good luck with sales, Bloody! Vouch for this user, don't hesitate to deal with him!
Great prices and pretty cool Skype usernames. May I ask if they're secure?
These are sick Bloody, would you take any trades? I've been looking for a while now haha :p hmu on aim :)
Thanks guys, i will most likely be selling one tonight :)
kciN said:
Great prices and pretty cool Skype usernames. May I ask if they're secure?
no skype is secure, if the owner wants it back they'll take it back
Tyrell, that is false, the way i ot these, there will be no one taking it . Ever. :p
Bloody ▲ said:
Tyrell, that is false, the way i ot these, there will be no one taking it . Ever. :p
no, it isn't false.
if the owner wants it, they'll get it back lol
omgitstyrell said:
no, it isn't false.
if the owner wants it, they'll get it back lol

I told the owner i took it 3 days ago, he begged for it back after he talked to skype, therefor.. NO he is not getting it back.
Nice skypes man!
If Vegeta isn't on, I can probably middleman also. If you deem me trusted.
Brenton said:
Nice skypes man!
If Vegeta isn't on, I can probably middleman also. If you deem me trusted.

Actually, tbh.. No i don't deem you trusted.. You're an asshole with no friends.

Nah, Jk. I copied this from my HF thread, so yes i would gladly let you MM babe <3
HMU guys !
GLWS Bloody nice skype's these should sell fast:D
Trinity said:
Someone jacked Pencil dude. ;D

No, i own it.

Anyways, hmu d00d