

Might seem odd, just looking to cop a nice, short soundcloud.
They ain't expensive so don't try highball me.
Comment below or hit me in the PM. Don't use this often so feel free to ask for my Skype or whate
@Gang might have one for you!!
PM'ed you about one, let me know.
@aware has a nice soundcloud he is selling i believe.
I have more than a couple, PM me.
I have a Soundcloud for sale. PM me if you're still looking for a soundcloud.
Audacity said:
Might seem odd, just looking to cop a nice, short soundcloud.
They ain't expensive so don't try highball me.
Comment below or hit me in the PM. Don't use this often so feel free to ask for my Skype or whate
Let me know my duderino
Made a thread where I list the ones I currently have for sale. Check my profile.
I have a pretty nice one left, short and clean. Hit me up with a PM, thanks.
I have a few hmu if you need one still. Kik: creature