Now that it is my last year in highschool I am giving the least amount of fucks.
My Junior year I got baked a couple times before school and had an alright time because I didn't get as high as I wanted. (Didn't have the opportunity that often)
This year I really want to get high a lot before school and just enjoy the last year I have at that hell hole.
I wanted to know if any of you guys got high before school and what was your experience like?
I've been baked at school a couple times, as long as you don't have a boring class or have to spend a lot of time talking to the teacher it should be a good time.
Protip: If you think your teacher knows, they probably do. Usually they don't give a fuck, some teachers at my school will just fuck with students if they know they're high.
LOL. I was high every moment in "high"school. Pun... Haha. But yeah if you wanna hear stories I'll share some on discord sometime, I have far tooooo many to type. BUT if your school has water polo for an elective I recommend taking that class and doing it stoned.