Stoned at school?


Power member.
Now that it is my last year in highschool I am giving the least amount of fucks. 
My Junior year I got baked a couple times before school and had an alright time because I didn't get as high as I wanted. (Didn't have the opportunity that often)
This year I really want to get high a lot before school and just enjoy the last year I have at that hell hole.
I wanted to know if any of you guys got high before school and what was your experience like?
I'm sure the homie @coltie2 has done this plenty of times.
I've been baked at school a couple times, as long as you don't have a boring class or have to spend a lot of time talking to the teacher it should be a good time.
Protip: If you think your teacher knows, they probably do. Usually they don't give a fuck, some teachers at my school will just fuck with students if they know they're high.
Waking and baking was a usual routine for me when i was still in highschool.
I smoked before school plenty of times in Highschool. It definitely made school more tolerable.
LOL. I was high every moment in "high"school. Pun... Haha. But yeah if you wanna hear stories I'll share some on discord sometime, I have far tooooo many to type. BUT if your school has water polo for an elective I recommend taking that class and doing it stoned.
Make sure not to have any loud one you if you're going to do this, the school might take you being high as probable cause to search you & your locker.