Straight People Are Faggots

If that's the case then I'm bisexual, I fuck myself on the daily. I look good naked in the mirror also.
Cann!bal said:
I'm not interested in dating other men either. My point was that it's impossible to say you are 100% attracted to the opposite sex, so you're therefore bisexual.

That's pretty dumb man. All men have a bit of estrogen, does that make us all female? Pretty sure it doesn't. There's no 100%, 420%, or 69% of anything. You're either one thing or the other. That's final. Congrats on coming out I guess.
Cuban said:
That's pretty dumb man. All men have a bit of estrogen, does that make us all female? Pretty sure it doesn't. There's no 100%, 420%, or 69% of anything. You're either one thing or the other. That's final. Congrats on coming out I guess.
Lol, no. That has no scientific basis at all. It's not boys, girls or both. We know sexuality is fluid. People can't be 100% straight or homosexual because there are unavoidable environmental factors. And in our sexual fluidity, we are essentially bisexuals by traditional sense of the definition. This is part of our current understanding of sexuality. This isn't me speaking out my ass. People just don't want to admit they like dick in some measure deep down inside.

Chill said:
So @"Cann!bal" what are you? Are you gay, bisexual or what?
Are you fucking kidding me? I explicitly said in the OP I identify as bisexual. Where the fuck did your brain go?
I think if someone hasnt had sex for a long time he/she/it is willing to bang anything.
Cann!bal said:
Lol, no. That has no scientific basis at all. It's not boys, girls or both. We know sexuality is fluid. People can't be 100% straight or homosexual because there are unavoidable environmental factors. And in our sexual fluidity, we are essentially bisexuals by traditional sense of the definition. This is part of our current understanding of sexuality. This isn't me speaking out my ass. People just don't want to admit they like dick in some measure deep down inside.

Are you fucking kidding me? I explicitly said in the OP I identify as bisexual. Where the fuck did your brain go?

You've got to be fucking kidding me, you don'[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]t even answer anyone's questions on here, you loop around in circles.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]You've admitted to being a faggot, then you say you identify as bisexual which from my understanding means that you're not actually into sucking dicks. You've said to me that you can suck dicks and fuck guys but still identify as straight I understand the whole concept of identifying as one or the other but saying that we're all bisexual is bullshit, so at some stage in our lives we're going to have a sexually intimate moment with another man? Or are you only creating this topic for debate because sexual fluidity says that we are in fact all bisexual?[/font]
Ugh... This thread has me losing brain cells yo lmfao. Nah but I see where you're coming from Cannibal. I know what you're trying to say. But I'm positive I don't want dick.
@chill makes a good point. You don't even acknowledge others' viewpoints. Your statement simply isn't true. That's all there is to it. Majority of people don't have sexual feelings for the same sex.
Fedoras said:
I am not looking at guys rating if they are attractive.
You've never been jealous of another man's looks? We all have. I wouldn't really say that it makes us bisexual, it just shows that we notice others' attractions.
Chill said:
You've got to be fucking kidding me, you don'[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]t even answer anyone's questions on here, you loop around in circles.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]You've admitted to being a faggot, then you say you identify as bisexual which from my understanding means that you're not actually into sucking dicks. You've said to me that you can suck dicks and fuck guys but still identify as straight I understand the whole concept of identifying as one or the other but saying that we're all bisexual is bullshit, so at some stage in our lives we're going to have a sexually intimate moment with another man? Or are you only creating this topic for debate because sexual fluidity says that we are in fact all bisexual?[/font]
Oh my God, Chill. I expect so much better from you.

I've addressed everyone who's posed a question. That's simply just not true.

Yeah, you can suck and fuck as many dudes as you and identify as straight. This is part of gender fluidity. Your gender identity is determined by you. 

Lol. Chill, bisexual means attraction to both genders and being a faggot means being attracted to the same gender. You can be both at the same time. To be bisexual you gotta be gay.

No, that's not how it works. You can go through life and never experience a sexually intimate moment with the same gender, but like I've said numerous times, that doesn't mean that you're 100% straight. We know sexuality is malleable and plenty factors are just unavoidable. The 100% figure is impossible when there are unavoidable factors at play. With sexual fluidity comes attraction to both genders in some measure. Whether that measure be 97% and 3% like me or something like 99.99% and 00.01%.

I created this thread to argue that in sexual fluidity we are essentially all bisexuals. People just don't like when they're told they secretly like dick in some capacity somewhere inside them. This response is exactly what I expected.
Cann!bal said:
Oh my God, Chill. I expect so much better from you.

I've addressed everyone who's posed a question. That's simply just not true.

Yeah, you can suck and fuck as many dudes as you and identify as straight. This is part of gender fluidity. Your gender identity is determined by you. 

Lol. Chill, bisexual means attraction to both genders and being a faggot means being attracted to the same gender. You can be both at the same time. To be bisexual you gotta be gay.

No, that's not how it works. You can go through life and never experience a sexually intimate moment with the same gender, but like I've said numerous times, that doesn't mean that you're 100% straight. We know sexuality is malleable and plenty factors are just unavoidable. The 100% figure is impossible when there are unavoidable factors at play. With sexual fluidity comes attraction to both genders in some measure. Whether that measure be 97% and 3% like me or something like 99.99% and 00.01%.

I created this thread to argue that in sexual fluidity we are essentially all bisexuals. People just don't like when they're told they secretly like dick in some capacity somewhere inside them. This response is exactly what I expected.
How can you expect better from me when i'm stating my understanding of your argument. You can't tell me that my opinion and what I believe is wrong.

I'm not telling you that you're wrong, i'm saying I don't believe anything about sexual fluidity. I was arguing back because you made some statements about the fluidity of us and then you told me to read some shit that said otherwise.

"You have to be gay to be bisexual" is the most fucked up comment yet. So you're saying that to like the sexual intimacy of both woman and man you first need to solely like men?
Chill said:
How can you expect better from me when i'm stating my understanding of your argument. You can't tell me that my opinion and what I believe is wrong.

I'm not telling you that you're wrong, i'm saying I don't believe anything about sexual fluidity. I was arguing back because you made some statements about the fluidity of us and then you told me to read some shit that said otherwise.

"You have to be gay to be bisexual" is the most fucked up comment yet. So you're saying that to like the sexual intimacy of both woman and man you first need to solely like men?

I expect more from you because you typically aren't a blithering idiot. You're typically fairly rational but right now it seems like you lost your mind. No, I can tell you your opinion and what you believe is wrong.

I'm using our current understanding of sexuality. If you got an argument that our current understanding of sexuality is completely wrong I'll be waiting. If you can't then you have no basis to object.

Use you're fucking brain, Chill. Obviously I wouldn't believe that. That's just absurd. You don't have to like solely men first to become bisexual, however, you do have to be sexually attracted to the same gender to be bisexual. It's a pre-requisite.