[SUGGESTION] Member of the month, something similar.

Nah I probably would tbh

I mean I feel like the idea is alright. I wouldn't enjoy it because personally I'd rather have less overall post/activity with more HQ posts than a very active forum full of LQ posts. Maybe if there was a way to implement a monthly poll so the people who are active at least once every month can vote depending on who they feel deserves it. If that was the case I would say we only make it available to Onyx and above.

Just my opinion.
nah the site probably won't be active enough for that soon enough since Philly decided to scam out on HF and create an even shittier reputation for FK
Madtinco said:
nah the site probably won't be active enough for that soon enough since Philly decided to scam out on HF and create an even shittier reputation for FK

You must really enjoy Fk since you have over 30 multi's.
Accent said:
This seems like a good idea, even though I'm a new member maybe I can work my way up one day!

Well, I mean, now you can't because you're banned haha.
Ambien said:
You must really enjoy Fk since you have over 30 multi's.
of course I still love FK. I hate a lot of the new retards like you but there are some chill niggas still around on here

and i have nothing better to do tbh
Well I mean I'm obviously the best member here on ForumKorner so there really wouldn't be much competition.
Jokes aside this sounds like a neat idea, it shouldn't be based off of who posts the most though because not all of us spend our life making posts on an online forum to look cool. I'm not too sure what alternative could take place but I'm sure there's something!
Well I mean I'm obviously the best member here on ForumKorner so there really wouldn't be much competition.
Madtinco said:
of course I still love FK. I hate a lot of the new retards like you but there are some chill niggas still around on here

and i have nothing better to do tbh

Contact me on kik WalterWhite
Accent said:
This seems like a good idea, even though I'm a new member maybe I can work my way up one day!

look @Ambien he's apparently linked to you lmao
Good to see that this will be implemented. :)

Ambien said:
don't know what this nigga is saying, obviously the most hq will get it, me

Your posts are starting to make me laugh a lil bit.
Someone is getting the suggester award, good job!
MOTM should go to the user who helped the community the most, I don't see shit posting being a valid form of competition.

Going out of your way to assist somebody here, giveaway things, tons of stuff I can think of. Shit posting is not one.
This seems like a bad idea. All it will cause is more "GLWS DUDE" on every thread. + 10x more rep4rep + more fake people. Some little award is going to raise the stats of most people on this site which will increase potential scamming rates and give users a false sense of accomplishment when they act fake for an award. If this is implemented, Posts, Attitude, and Reputation should not be considered. The deciding factor for this should be either be something that helps the community as a whole or giving great support the the site.
BeaM said:
This seems like a bad idea. All it will cause is more "GLWS DUDE" on every thread. + 10x more rep4rep + more fake people. Some little award is going to raise the stats of most people on this site which will increase potential scamming rates and give users a false sense of accomplishment when they act fake for an award. If this is implemented, Posts, Attitude, and Reputation should not be considered. The deciding factor for this should be either be something that helps the community as a whole or giving great support the the site.

I only just seen this, they should try create a way where it's HQ posts.. maybe keep an eye on people and mods who see's that someone is being decent they could keep a few in mind.
Although that's what I was thinking, someone who helps out the site.. someone who achieved something.. someone who has been deemed trusted and helpful as a MM and always went out the way to help a member.