Think about how you felt when your firends committed suicide, it didn't feel too good now did it. Now you can say that no one cares about you, but your wrong, there are those who do care. I know that sometimes life can take you down, believe me I have been there. In fact, it wasn't that long ago. I finally had to start changing my mind set. I know that some see it as a silly thing to do but I started to think in a more positive way. So, have things changed not too much but I think of it as a work in progrress. I think that the way we view life and what we tend to think of life is what we will get out of it. I'm not telling you to start thinking positive because I know what depression can be like. But maybe you need to talk to someone, as professional, maybe even join a support group. Some times finding out you are not alone in these feelings can actually help an individual to pull out of it.