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Oh yeah, if you wanna kill yourself just do it. If your mindset is to end your life because you think it's hard, you don't deserve to be here.


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Hassam said:
Alright you gotta relax you fucking dickhead 

No faggot, if you kill yourself you're hurting everyone around it. Keep encouraging kids it's okay to destroy their family and friends life.


That's horrible to hear! Such a tragedy to loose so many people close to you in such a short time! Something like that is sure to traumatise you, but taking your own life in result of that is truly not the answer. It may seam hard, I've lost friends, many people have, grief has stricken us all at least once. How you deal with that grief is what defines you as a person. Try to think of happy memories of you and your friends, remember them how they should be remembers, not with sadness, or anguish, but with solemn joy at the fact you at least got to know them and call them friends. There are many people you can talk to, if you have family, reach out to them. Tell them your problems. You'd be amazed how helpful talking and sharing your problems with others can be, and it may not seam like it, but there are still hundreds of thousands of millions of caring, loving people out there :)


Think about how you felt when your firends committed suicide, it didn't feel too good now did it. Now you can say that no one cares about you, but your wrong, there are those who do care. I know that sometimes life can take you down, believe me I have been there. In fact, it wasn't that long ago. I finally had to start changing my mind set. I know that some see it as a silly thing to do but I started to think in a more positive way. So, have things changed not too much but I think of it as a work in progrress. I think that the way we view life and what we tend to think of life is what we will get out of it. I'm not telling you to start thinking positive because I know what depression can be like. But maybe you need to talk to someone, as professional, maybe even join a support group. Some times finding out you are not alone in these feelings can actually help an individual to pull out of it.


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Think about it, sure you are going through tough times but you will get past it.

Be strong dude.


New Member
Trust me, I have been in your shoes and actually did take the overdose. I suffered three loses in a row (not to suicide)and was left devastated. Plus I had some people in my life that were more harmful than I knew. I reached the point of no return and since I suffer from anxiety and depression, had access to many pills. One day I woke up and decided it would be my last day on earth. I wasn't expecting my roommate home until later in the evening so I took all the pills I had. I remember being very calm and falling asleep and woke up in the hospital. Apparently he had come home early and found me.

I truly hated him for a long time because I really felt the decision I had made was a good one. This happened to me two years ago and I am still here. I have become somewhat of a hermit and find my solace or peace online. I have gotten rid of most of the harmful people in my life and that does help.

I know you feel like suicide is the only answer and I can't really give you a reason to stick around. Just know that someone will be affected if you decide to go through. Even though we think everyone is out to get us, use us or hurt us, there are some who truly care. I didn't know until I was released from the hospital who those people were. Please think long and hard before making this decision. I wish you well and I am here if you need to talk.


I know how it feels when life doesn't go just a bit your way! I live with it all my life, but suicide is not a choice because of my religion. Loosing a close friend, best friend, lover is not easy to deal with, but try to think positively. The effect of after the suicidal for the people left behind is very difficult for them to deal with too. Take care!


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Sleep said:
So last year I lost 6 friends to suicide and I have been really depressed recently and have really been thinking about overdosing I am so sick of dealing with everything in my life and losing one of my best friends

Y'all some carbon copies of incompetence. I recommend you stop with all the cowardice and conjure up some confidence.