Survival of the Fittest LOL


Power member.
Well I am assuming that once all the good GTs get banned and there are only like half as many as there previously were, I'd imagine that the OG gts are going to skyrocket? I don't know, I'd like to hear what you guys think about this
I think the prices of Semis are going to double two. Like Uneducating that originally would be 5-10$ will bump up to like 20-25$ lol
A shit load of OGs are getting banned.
the demand will only get higher now.
good for people with unbanned ones.
bad for those who got banned. :'(
the tag scene is pretty dead.
There are gonna be lots of banned gts!
And fuck the tag market! It sucks anyways!
Lol, semi's will not go up in price.. they're semis..

People still have tags and will sell them for a large amount, you just hvae to know the people.
GATSBY said:
Lol, semi's will not go up in price.. they're semis..

People still have tags and will sell them for a large amount, you just hvae to know the people.

Exactly. Kids are getting excited about selling their precious semis
hope i dont get banned if i do im gonna shit bricks
Tag market has been dead. When fucking 3 characters are going for $20/$30 then the OG market is dead.
Evan. said:
Tag market has been dead. When fucking 3 characters are going for $20/$30 then the OG market is dead.

Someone bought a 3 letter for 70$ a while back gt market is dying quickly.
HA! I wonder if the ban the tag "Religion" because FaZe Kross bought it. Or will they give him pitty because hes "known".
Pepsi said:
HA! I wonder if the ban the tag "Religion" because FaZe Kross bought it. Or will they give him pitty because hes "known".

I remember watching his commentaries and noticed he had that tag..I was so jealous lol.