Take A Guess! Contest #2 - 5M Prize!

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Onyx user!
Hey everyone

Thank you everyone for participating! Contest #2 Winner: Oxide!!!

[align=center]The following content will be blocked to keep leechers out. This contest is for contributing Rune Gear members only.


As most of you already know, the past couple of days have been a bit of a mess. There was a dispute between another member and I. Thanks to RAF, Mike, and all others who helped to end the dispute, it is finally OVER.

I did not mean to make such a big scene with it, but of course, nothing goes as you originally plan. x]
Even though I lost 30M, I feel bad about annoying the community with pointless disputes such as what I was involved in.[/align]

So, to give back, I thought I would hold my second contest on Rune Gear. Sorry to not hold a prize of 10M as I did in my first contest... but let's be honest, this is a pretty easy contest to win 5M

The same rules as Take A Guess! Contest #1 will apply.


-Simple. Guess where I am in RuneScape, and what skill that I am training.

-You only get 3 guesses this time. Label all of your guesses with a number
(ie. #1 Varrock Center, High Alching)

NO CHEATING! x] All of my in-game chats will be set to OFF... idk if that will make it any more legit, but I'm doing it anyways =]

Once the correct answer has been posted, I will update the thread to let everyone know. I will then PM the winner and let them know where to meet me in RuneScape to claim their 5M prize.
Good luck, and remember... HAVE FUN x]

Presented by:

Deception said:
I have 99 WC x]

Try again!

There's so many places though and 23 different skills, going to take a while.

Edgeville, Firemaking?

I know. But the first contest ended quicker than I intended. So that's why I dropped it to 3 guesses.

And sorry, nope. One more try.
Abc said:
Shilo village fishing

Try again x]

Any just so everyone who didn't participate in the first contest knows, if there are no close guesses after a while, I will start to post hints.
Zeus said:
#1 - Cooking in Rogue's Den

Just got 99 cooking the other day x]

Good guess. You have 2 more!

Deception said:
What about my third guess Bcg, Thieving @ Draynor Village?

Sorry Deception. That wasn't correct either. I'll be hosting many more contests in the future! Better luck on the next one! Thanks for participating.

There is so many places to guess i will wait until you give out 1 hint
Zeus said:
There is so many places to guess i will wait until you give out 1 hint

Smart tactic you got there ;]

It will be sometime tonight.

UPDATE: Sorry if I don't respond to EVERY post, guys/gals. I'm not sitting at my computer.. I'm back and forth today. Bare with me! x]
#1 - Theiving @ rogues den
#1Dungeoneering; Daemonheim
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