Take A Guess! Contest #2 - 5M Prize!

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#1 Hunting in the Feldip Fields :D
1. Woodcutting in ardy
2. fishing at shilo
3. fishing at otto's grotto
Nothing yet guys/gals.
Great guesses, though!

Hint #1: There are two water sources.

That's a tough one. Give some more guesses and I'll throw out another hint if there are still no close guesses.
Hint #1: There are two water sources.

Hint #2: A certain kind of gloves give me an advantage if I'm a member.

This location can be used F2P or P2P
I've eliminated a number of things with all of your levels, but I can't pinpoint where u are on the map :p
#1 Smithing/smelting at edgeville
with the Goldsmith gauntlets?

#2 Smithing/smelting at Al kharid
#2 cooking inside lumbridge castle?
For the next time please include this as basic information in the thread.
If the skill is F2P or P2P and also if the place is F2P or P2P.

Anyways, good luck everyone.
It's supposed to be difficult, SD8Z. It wouldn't be a contest if it wasn't. I'm not just going to give 5M away without making people work for it.

Hint #1: There are two water sources.

Hint #1.5: The water sources are not natural.

Hint #2: A certain kind of gloves give me an advantage if I'm a member.

Hint #3: If I were to do this in real life, I could get in a lot of trouble.
#3 it's obviously building unregistered buildings on unpurchased land plots in the fields of lumbridge.
Reaperrr said:
Al Kharid Theiving Bandits?!

Sorry, not it.

Deception said:
Thieving @ Pyramid Plunder l0l? /4thguessWUT

4th guess = no bueno.

Scenery Defender of Ponyville said:
#3 it's obviously building unregistered buildings on unpurchased land plots in the fields of lumbridge.

I wish that could be the answer. x]
10/10 for most creative reply so far.

The Agonist said:
God dammit where are you xD

Hint #1: There are two water sources.

Hint #1.5: The water sources are not natural.

Hint #1.75: They are water fountains.

Hint #2: A certain kind of gloves give me an advantage if I'm a member.

Hint #3: If I were to do this in real life, I could get in a lot of trouble.

Hint #4: If I stand in between the water fountains, they are east and west of me.
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