Take A Guess! Contest #2 - 5M Prize!

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Legends guild, thieving.
In lummy theiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oxide said:
Killing Guards/Pickpocketing Guards in Varrock?

You listed two skills. List a skill and a location.

The Agonist said:
Thieving knights in ardougne

Sorry >.<

Comedian said:
In lummy theiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not quite, Comedian. =S

Hint #1: There are two water sources.

Hint #1.5: The water sources are not natural.

Hint #1.75: They are water fountains.

Hint #2: A certain kind of gloves give me an advantage if I'm a member.

Hint #3: If I were to do this in real life, I could get in a lot of trouble.

Hint #4: If I stand in between the water fountains, they are east and west of me.

Hint #5: It's in one of the major cities.
Can we start guessing more than 3 times since this is going to die when we run out? Lol
Oxide said:
Thieving Guards, in Varrock.

There you go.

We have a winner everyone!

Thank you all so much for participating!
I'll hold another one in a week or so x]

Oxide, expect a PM from me within the next 10 minutes.

Thanks for comps
You're freaking kidding me.. That was my other guess.. I knew it was one or the other -.-
Sorry guys/gals!

I'll be holding another contest very soon! Keep an eye out on my posts!

Grats again to Oxide on the 5M! Hope you enjoy it!

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