taking requests

Sarcasm said:
They're his for a reason lol. I'm just stating facts sorry you're getting butthurt over the truth.  Ricky and mason both proved they can take shit

No one asked you for any truth? YOu basically came into this thread bragging that a friend of yours can jack pixels.
Its not hard.

how am i butthurt when you can't do anything at all lmao
PaulPierce said:
No one asked you for any truth? YOu basically came into this thread bragging that a friend of yours can jack pixels.
Its not hard.

how am i butthurt when you can't do anything at all lmao

What can you do other then run your ****** mouth and make new fks? Lol "they have no life cause they jack" but you you keep making new accounts to be on a form lmfaooo
You kids are arguing on my thread. I'm just tryna make my name here on FK.

I've known Ricky Hand-machburger lmfao for hella long. He used to be a complete random that tried to flex for fame. Then got fucked hard and had a child, Havent spoke to him since I stole "Booty" from him. ;)
i jack yahoos and hotmails and also linked accounts that NOONE else can jack. so i mean does that mean im a yahoo goto guy? yesh i may have used MY own method. and i may have more but doesnt mean anyone cant find it just means there not ylooking in the right places is all...
aimer said:
You kids are arguing on my thread. I'm just tryna make my name here on FK.

I've known Ricky Hand-machburger lmfao for hella long. He used to be a complete random that tried to flex for fame. Then got fucked hard and had a child, Havent spoke to him since I stole "Booty" from him. ;)
Are you talking to the time he GAVE you and Quad the account because it was banned. Cause if so I remember that LMFAO! And if this is Panda from back then you are a down syndrome idiot who tried flexing back then and couldn't jack anything nor can you jack anything now.
Sarcasm said:
Are you talking to the time he GAVE you and Quad the account because it was banned. Cause if so I remember that LMFAO! And if this is Panda from back then you are a down syndrome idiot who tried flexing back then and couldn't jack anything nor can you jack anything now.

is dis xander?

I don't believe you where even around then lmfao. These 2013 - 2014 kids think they know things its cute.

Didn't I sp00k you? hmmmm.
aimer said:
You kids are arguing on my thread. I'm just tryna make my name here on FK.

I've known Ricky Hand-machburger lmfao for hella long. He used to be a complete random that tried to flex for fame. Then got fucked hard and had a child, Havent spoke to him since I stole "Booty" from him. ;)
Booty has been banned since what, 2012?  Why is this still relevant?

Also, I don't know who you are, but if Xander's right, and you're Panda, hi.