Teenage girl in China offers to sell virginity for iPhone 4

The People is crazy... How she can say that?
isn't the first time, i remmember that a Boy offered they organs for an iPad
bijaybd said:
Young adults in China are taking serious measures to buy expensive apple products, according to reports.

Biznewschina reported that a female jiulinghou, referring to those born during the 90’s, tweeted on Weibo (Chinese version of Twitter) that it is her “dream to own a iPhone4 but her father won’t let her get one.” She then decided to sleep with someone in exchange for the mobile device.

The Guangdong teen has posted a picture of herself along with other basic personal information saying she is willing to “sell” her virginity to anyone that buys her a iPhone 4.”

Her post has received negative feedback, pointing out that a phone is not worth what she giving in exchange. Others think that someone is using her account and pulling a malicious prank on the girl.

Last April, a 17 year old boy from Anhui bought himself an iPad and cellphone by selling a kidney for 22,000 yuan ($3,400).

Sociologists blame such events on the rising importance of materialism amongst the young generation and their belief that there are no limits to how they satisfy their desires.
Source : http://tricktipsworld.blogspot.com/2011/07/teenage-girl-in-china-offers-to-sell.html

People are just getting too crazy for iphone why is that do you think its true or false ?

Wow this is so wrong. Why are people being so cray over all these gadgets?? they may be cool to own but absolutely not worth one's virginity or kidney. Gosh what is this world turning to!!
Is that for real? lot's of people sells their virginity for iPhone? what a waste. all people are getting addicted to iPhone like a drugs.
CraptacularxD said:
That's kinda Weird.

Selling Virginity or Kidney for a iPhone 4? That's too weird.

Anyway, Probably the reason of this is the community that they are into, Maybe they see too much of this in their peers or other people. So they tend to envy and think of something that they could have that too.

I have to agree with you.
Although... I woudn't to that, but I would do something else :D

Teaching Photoshop in 10 days for MacBook Pro :D
Man that is sick ! Selling virginity for an iPhone lol . But one thing you should all know...She will get it soon, there are a lot of sick people that are willing to pay this price :D
I don't have an iphone, and I don't want it. I can't understand the reason why all wants it. Maybe I do something stupid for a good gadget, but I'll never do something like that girl, or the boy who offered his organs!
what ? this is very weird news i think she is not a good type of a girl that's why is sell her virginity just for iphone 4 huh, self respect is more valuable than iphone products but some peoples are not understand it :(