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Well-Known Member
apply to terror and ill accept you

this is temporary whilst i sort out what the fuck im doing with it

ty bye
Jaii, where have you been? o_O
Moon Knight said:
Jaii, where have you been? o_O

idk tbh, just came out a basement lel
applied, accept this dank ass user into this sexy ass group
Earn said:
How do I apply? Just reply to this or what?

find my group on the groupcp via groups in your settings
everyone that applied has been added, thanks for applying via cp
I'll be cleaning the group up within the next few days, if you want to be in and stay in.. I advise applying via: HERE and waiting for me to accept it.

Once you are in, wear the userbar and be active. If I see you as active, you'll stay when I clean the group up.
Aye let me in bruh i'm active and friendly :)
Verizon said:
Aye let me in bruh i'm active and friendly :)


This is the last person that i'm adding, I'm creating an application thread if you guys are interested in joining, wait for that to come out.

Thanks for showing interest on my group but this is now closed.

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