Yeah.. Ehm.. If you scam you're "royally fucked" (unless you scam a retard who doesn't know how to fucking report it properly lmao)Philly said:At when least using a middleman even if the trusted middleman does scam at least they will be absolutely royally fucked, losing them quite alot of money as well. Sorry but most trusted users do not scam, neither do staff. If you don't want to use a middleman don't. It is not required and it never will be, but the staff that do middleman here know, and are far more trusted then other websites you speak.
Last but not least I think this is a good spot to announce that I am no longer middlemanning trades. I do not have the time, and users just walk all over me. I am pretty much done doing things for others, when I ask for help noone assists, there is no reason I should help if help is not returned. I feel after nearly 4 years of dedication, and sacrifice that it is pathetic what some members here treat me like. I honestly have no idea what I have to do to knock sense into some of you, but in reality I am sure it still wouldn't help.
And also.. I know that middlemen scam less etc. I personally use them a lot myself.
What my point is.. Is this: (couldn't find the correct image.. but oh well)

Anyone can whip out "the knife" as shown in this picture.
And what I want to be clear is that people shouldn't ONLY trust people because of their rank.
Not saying any of your staff members are scammers or whatever.. But how well do you actually know them?
Seen the series "dexter"?
Idk.. cba write more but you should get my point.
Oh and also;
> and are far more trusted then other websites you speak