Here ill start with my first money loss ever and this is why i havent been able to make a good dollar since.
When i started runescape in around 2004 (maybe 05-05) i was like 8 or so and i was addicted to runescape and spent every waking hour on it, The whip was out for a small time and it costed 16m at this time so i would spend hours upon hours working trying to merchant, Spent around 3 or 4 months to make 6m and had 10m in junk, I was so happy had a networth of a whip and i spent weeks on 70 attack so when i went to buy a whip from someguy that told me to meet him in edgeville i was stoked, He trade me to show me whip and then "accedently" took a step so i clicked one space and 4 guys Teleblock me, Bind all that bullsh**. I get dropped and i close my laptop and burst out crying ( I was 8 remember ) and we went camping that weekend and camping blew really hard cause my cousin made fun of me about it and stuff. After then ive always had a problem making my own money because im afraid ill work so hard and something bad will just happen.
I finally got around to making some money took me about 3 months to make 7.5m and as i posted on friday i think, I was hacked and now all i have is my unfunded pure my friend in real life gave me, Like i said i knew when i started to make money something shitty would happen, Like my 134 my friend gave me that got stolen or somthing. Anyways thats my shitty luck on runescape, I hope you pick someone more contributing than me but if you choose me ill be the most greatful person in the world. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
TL;DR Version: Im not the best at runescape >.<