To BE or not to BE?

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Power member.
Im considering selling my GT: B E
Its on a Fresh silver no worth while stats to mention.
Only looking for cash, no trades.
Will not be going first. Will use a MM/MW of my choosing if necessary.
Will accept Paypal from those i deemed trusted otherwise it will be Money Pack.
Please Post all Offers on the thread before PMing me =]

Bid away =]

Highest Bid - $170MP Ps3
Cool 2 letter. Good luck selling
Finally, a 2 letter. Been loking for one for so long.
You got AIM? I want this.
Hey guys iv got to head to work very shortly, I will respond to all messages when i return. Please Post all Offers on the thread before PMing me.
Sword said:
Im considering selling my GT: B E
Its on a Fresh silver no worth while stats to mention.
Only looking for cash, no trades.
Will not be going first. Will use a MM/MW of my choosing if necessary.
Will accept Paypal from those i deemed trusted otherwise it will be Money Pack.
Please Post all Offers on the thread before PMing me =]

Bid away =]

i will BUY RIGHT NOW please list a price we can use a middle man NAME IT PLEASE i wanna buy i need a 2 character

Sword said:
Im considering selling my GT: B E
Its on a Fresh silver no worth while stats to mention.
Only looking for cash, no trades.
Will not be going first. Will use a MM/MW of my choosing if necessary.
Will accept Paypal from those i deemed trusted otherwise it will be Money Pack.
Please Post all Offers on the thread before PMing me =]

Bid away =]

i will BUY RIGHT NOW please list a price we can use a middle man NAME IT PLEASE i wanna buy i need a 2 character
Hey guys Im back from work, to those who PMd me i cant respond as i dont have enough posts at the moment -_-
Also i dont really use AIM and would prefer to do all contact through ForumKorner
How much are you looking for?
I can offer some trades from my shops too if that interests you.
Phantom said:
How much are you looking for?
I can offer some trades from my shops too if that interests you.

Thank you for the offer Phantom, im not really looking for anything other than cash. Im not really sure how much i actually want. Il leave the thread up for a day or two and take it from there.
Bump for my boy sword i would buy this tag if i had some money but anyways GLWS.
two sexy two letters ( three characters if you wanna get technical. ) your on a role my nigga. you would be better off posting full window proof. good luck with sales.
Creed said:
two sexy two letters ( three characters if you wanna get technical. ) your on a role my nigga. you would be better off posting full window proof. good luck with sales.
Thank you creed =]
Im happy to accept f/r and shit for further proof =]
Vouch for my boy Bill, he's got the tag, and hes very trust-able!
170$ mp This tag will be mine >.<
Lemme know if anyone outbids me xD
If the deal from ps3 falls which I think it will I'll offer 50
Wow great tag. Vouch for Sword. :) Hope you get it sold
thank you kirby =]
Once ps3 gets on i will prob accept his offer. Christy will be the Middle Woman in the deal =]
Vouch for my boy Sword. if i had the money i would definately get it. GLWS bro
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