/Trading FAL OSW

Jason Segel

User is banned.
Selling or trading this gamertag for almost whatever anybody offers.
If you don't already know, this gamertag is a Black Ops 2 Assault Rifle.


AIM / Q_9
Skype / Instagram.com​
I actually liked this tag but its perma banned.. Anyways good luck with the sales bro!:D
I wonder who owns DSR 50..that's my gun
FozkGB said:
why was it banned? Modding?

It's banned because around christmas time Ms goes on a banning spree and if your tag is up with valid ownership proof; it was banned. People lost some of the sickest tags because of it.
Yes I owned this tag and I got it Perm Banned since MS was lurking but whatever, anyways GLWS Flo Rida!
I don't think you can get much of a trade for it but Good Luck in getting what you want!