Trading semi og for xbox live

Naughty List

BikerGangs, Coacts, Good Going,Grad Class, Grow Dope, Guitar Cover, Hornet Nests, Kill Three, Naughty List (banned), Nude Mom, SmoothTalking, Stop By, Weed Movie and TNTH which has like 7 months of gold on it. I'm doing this because I need live for my account Fron*flip. If it's a lot of live i'll give you a few gts. I f this posts twice sorry it looked like it glitched the first. Pm me!
Why not just strip the gold of the tag what the hell 7 months?
Yeah lol call in and strip it

Pm ur aim n ill talk to you there
Iconic said:
Yeah lol call in and strip it

Alright and I can add that live to a different account? When I call xbox live they'll do it all for me too?
Naughty List said:
Alright and I can add that live to a different account? When I call xbox live they'll do it all for me too?

No lol they arent your slaves they will remove it, email it to you, and you enter the code on your account.
Iconic said:
Like i said man if interested pm me your aim

Hey dude what's aim? is it like an app? And if so can u link it to me?
Iconic said:
Google aim or do you use skype?

Yeah I use Skype :p and dude ill just give you the account with like 7 months on it instead of going through all that trouble of putting it on another account for a 1 month or 3 month My Skype is aidan.moland
Iconic said:
Just messaged you bro we will talk there

didn't get your message dude ill add u whats ur Skype?

Naughty List said:
didn't get your message dude ill add u whats ur Skype?

Send it to me bro?

Iconic said:
Google aim or do you use skype?

Dude you there bro? and if you're wondering why someone gave me a bad rep it's for wasting their time which they would have scammed me if I had bought from them -_-.