

Active Member

Hint: Ike

Im not looking to sell unless the offer is over generous. But i am most likely and wanting to trade.

I wanted this specific tag but idk if this guy wants to deal, so here i am any offers?
How many consoles? Any tenure, gamerscore? Downloadable content? CoD stats?
Bape said:
How many consoles? Any tenure, gamerscore? Downloadable content? CoD stats?

1 i believe (which is mine), no tenture, Gs- 550 or something, cod stats are average, i just reset on bo2 lol (add me and look if you wish) and downloadable content - not much Bo2 season pass and a few camos (it also has advanced warfare camo)
Hahah.... I remember that kid. Im pretty sure that kid was a scammer known as Jake. Seems to be swapped. GLWS
Thats a new tag both of my friend use to own this acc
What kind of trade are you looking to get out of this?
Pub said:
What kind of trade are you looking to get out of this?

I dont know what you mean by what trade, im guessing you mean IGs, twitters, gamertags etc.

And the answer is Gamertag lmao
What are you looking for exactly , another random 3 char ?
What are you looking for exactly , another random 3 char ?

No, a 1 word OG/Semi gamertag
Any offers pm me

This tag is still available for trades, if no one offers soon im taking it off the market.
@Poutine i really want that tag i can offer more stuff to the deal if you wish.
I remember selling this to you so it has 2 consoles mines and yours
Indespicable said:
Correct me if im wrong but didn't you delete it?

I cleared it meaning i can't sign in to it soo yeah :p