
Come one guys.....
Someone sell me a fucking turboer that runs all night and can
turbo more then 1 tag already.... hmu on aim​
Why do you need a turboer? This site is becoming the HF rather than scamming but of turboing.
I agree with Devise, it's you fags that fucking just steal from the rightful owner
Go find your own turboer fag people like you make it awful to buy and swap tags now.
its a fucking gamertag ppl.... a name... on xbox..... calm the fuck down... maybe im swapping... jesus fucking christ
trolls said:
its a fucking gamertag ppl.... a name... on xbox..... calm the fuck down... maybe im swapping... jesus fucking christ
If you were swapping your own tag you wouldn't be asking for a turboer
that turbos multiple tags dumb fuck.
EvoL said:
If you were swapping your own tag you wouldn't be asking for a turboer
that turbos multiple tags dumb fuck.

OHHHH SHIT!!!!!11111 FUCKIN OWNED!!!!! haha