

LOLOLOLOLOL, my best friend is a Legend.
Brittany said:
How does that work ?

Like when G 0 D was jacked and swapped, the person reported it stolen and it was swapped off the account by MS, and was put back on the guys account the way he had it on before. So if i were to metaphorically sell the tag Dog. If the person were to swap it after i sold it to them, i could turn around, call it in stolen, and it would be put back on my account the way i had it spelled.
lol i go look on ur gts profile and it says Uranus is mad xD made me laugh sucks though dude i think the guys is just trolling and it has to be someone on FK
Someone link me his profile please, I honestly just want to talk to him.
i dont think anyone knows and even if someone knows they wont rat him out the dude might just keep that tag silver or pretend its banned so u will forget
Pace said:
i dont think anyone knows and even if someone knows they wont rat him out the dude might just keep that tag silver or pretend its banned so u will forget

thats the only tag i liked that i ever owned because the 49ers is my favorite team. if he sells it;pm me ill buy off of whoever he sells it to :]
Haha that sucks your gonna re-buy a tag you had taken from you.
Sweetner said:
Haha that sucks your gonna re-buy a tag you had taken from you.

It's the only tag I've ever cared about. Simply because their my favorite team. But yes I will re buy but idk the kids username on here
Uranus. said:
It's the only tag I've ever cared about. Simply because their my favorite team. But yes I will re buy but idk the kids username on here

I don't think anyone is just gonna come out the blue and tell you his name.
Sweetner said:
I thought you had his dox?

I have the persons Dox who I almost certainly turbod it, but I'm not certain. If i find out that its the person I'm thinking of....he's done for