Selling Unban Instagrams?


Power member.
Is there a way to unban Instagrams yet? Have around 5-6 worth, nearly 10,000$ worth, will work a deal that is beneficial for both of us if it is possible now.
@Hate is was from a mass ban in 2014-2015, I believe for owning multiple accounts, or selling them
Might have a guy for you, send me your discord in PM's.
@Hate is was from a mass ban in 2014-2015, I believe for owning multiple accounts, or selling them
Have you tried the form where they have you send a selfie with a code etc? I got one unbanned from 2014/15 years later with that way. If it's ToS perm, pretty sure it's not possible
TOS bans are not possible, but if you were hit with the ban wave than yes its more than possible to unban, i have a rep who can do the process to unban IGs
same thing happened to a few of mine banned from 2014/2015 recently when I logged into them it allowed me to add a phone number (an unused fresh phone number) I then waited 24hrs and they were unbanned. maybe yours will be the same? gl