[Updated] Post your Gamertag

please remove my tag since i got xbob privacy settings enabled and cant recieve messages anymore. thx in advance
Mythoclastic is my gamer tag. I have a lot of games and play often haha
My Gamertag is Stinkier. I'm trying to get my list filled up, so all you Semi's, OGs, and 3 chars hmu :,)
Glitter Milk said:
Remaking this because I'm giving PC / PS a break and going back to xbox for a little while. Unfortunately I have to start fresh. (BE MY FRIEND :C )
Beware made a new thread since @Chronos was banned and couldn't update his. Now that Beware is banned, I'm gonna go ahead and make a new one from his to keep it going.
If you need to me to make any adjustments just let me know! (Beware is no longer banned but I guess I'll continue to update anyway)

Xbox 360:

@Bolt - GT: Shade Finn
@Cicero - GT: Z o i d
@OGK - GT: Please Hate Me
@Fanta - GT: RealScotty
@"Glitter Milk" - GT: Glitter Milk
@Gunner - GT: Z9M
@Kiss - GT: Vowes
@Mac - GT: A Leader
@Magic - GT: Admire Kimura
@One - GT: SPLCE
@Pizza - GT: cussd
@Revo - GT: Decapitated
@Sarcasm - GT: Ok Xander
@"The Sandlot" - GT: nF Cosmic
@Trap - GT: XII2
@Trustworthiness - GT: Rattatas

Xbox one:
@Beats - GT: kipn  
@Bucks - GT: Rewme
@Cheeto - GT: The iGetXP
@Develop - GT: xTOXIC MAMBAx
@HTC - GT: Localizable
@Plague - GT: Copenhagen
@Rude - GT: Possessed  
@Satan - GT: Pinball

@"Darth Vader" - GT: Relentless
@Deject - GT: dejectedly
@Kyle - GT: coldheart
@Sinful - GT: TrickSpades
@"The Host" - GT: Thursday
@Voices - GT: Cranked
@Wash - GT: Washed G
@Weep - GT: Ku Klux

Original Threads located here and here.
My 360 GT - Tiayana
(yes that is my real name)
babygirl said:
My 360 GT - Tiayana
(yes that is my real name)

ur obiviosuly a fuckign ******. stupid colorsed

my gt on xgbox is BigmeatGeneral or jiminyjimbojay
@hooky this is an old thread, try to post on newer ones.
guess i'll put my gt here.

Gt: Fence

also, my backup gt.

Gt: Door
360 for now. Add me, my gamertag is WP

I don't play often though.
add me to the list for both Gt- Scan i played a lot of cod back in the days and I'm still good but i mostly play destiny now and days waiting for cod4 to come out
I just got a One, so if you play BO3 hit me up. My tag is "Dads".
Xbox GT: AK47z


[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] bang bang to short[/font]
I just got an Xbox One and you want to play BO3 hmu

@glitter milk"

Some reason my username is still there. That's not my tag anyway. I asked you to remove my tag some time ago. Which you did. But I think you just left my username and with someone else's tag lol