Upgrade me and you get this


Power member.
If you upgrade me I will give you:

- The domain http://www.VerifiedSales.net (10 Months Left, Registered through Godaddy.com)
- 250 Real Human Youtube Views
- 60+ Real Human Subscribers (Will not Unsubscribe)
- The forum on verifiedsales.net
- 150+ Real Human Youtube Subscribers Next Week
- Another 250 Real Human Youtube Views next week
- My Signature Space for a week
- Shout out thread
- I can install a brand new MyBB forum for you, and and assistance you need for 1 month.
- Netflix account that expires on June 7 2012
- Anything else you might need

This is all I could possibly think of.
This seems like a pretty good deal. You should hmu with those subs anyway ;)
This is a pretty damn nice deal. I'm pretty sure someone will do it eventually ;)