Upgrading 1 member

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i vouche for my self 11 time, now i have the lead =) go me...
but seriously good luck to the both of ya and may the best hq member win =)
This is between cabbage and Slacker in my eyes both HQ and chill/knowledgeable members. However i have to root for cabbage seing as how he has provided GFX for me many times, but im sure slacker has something to offer!

i have some experience in other sites that can benifit others, i just cant down load / up load them while im at work... probably do it this weekend for you guys. and im older then most people on the site so i have maturity, intelligence, and am hella laid back. but i wish luck to all that are being considered and hope to find out soon =)
and thank you hooker, if i dont get accepted here i will find some where to get in
slacker227 said:
i have some experience in other sites that can benifit others, i just cant down load / up load them while im at work... probably do it this weekend for you guys. and im older then most people on the site so i have maturity, intelligence, and am hella laid back. but i wish luck to all that are being considered and hope to find out soon =)
and thank you hooker, if i dont get accepted here i will find some where to get in

I`ll be looking forward to those DL`s. I`m also wanting to make a program for FK i just dont know what?
i have a few people that code and shit that can help you with stuff if you need it, i been out of the game for a long time man but still have friends that wont give it up
Country:United States
Hobbies:Xbox, Computers, Guitarist, and Drums
Why are you deserving of an upgrade:Im active now on FK and i dont have any money to upgrade :/
Your short story to be written below:

I'm a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle, here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out!

I'm a clever teapot, yes it's true
Here's an example of what I can do
I can change my handle to my spout
Just tip me over and pour me out.
I vouch for Cabbages me and him will grow old together and make a farm and just grow cabbages.
I vouch for Cabbage since he is a cabbage. Lol, good luck to everyone.
Vouch for Cabbage instead of Poop. Cabbage is a legit nigga
Jаy said:
is the person with the most vouches the winner?
If so the lol.

Not necessarily
I should get this because it's my birthday and I have no money. XD

jk :p
Everyone is paying people to vouch them, i am the only one with legit vouches..... Js
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