GrƷƷd said:I lost my virginity when I was 16. And honestly this may sound bad and kinda fucked up, but I have no idea how many times I've had sex since then. But it's all been with the same girl because I still have the same girlfriend since then.
Sanctuary said:I'm not a virgin, but I wish I still was. I lost my virginity a few months back, while I was drunk (first time doing that too), in my friend's closet. Yeah.
But, I lasted a good 20+ minutes, lmfao. She keeps trying to get with me, but I'm just like..
Find that special someone, kids. Don't make these simple mistakes. It's worth the wait.
dui said:I'm 16 and a virgin by choice; this girl keeps trying to hook up and I'm always blunt and say "no".
Potion said:Lmao you should try it , you don't want to regret it later , doors close eventually
dui said:I'm talking with a different girl; plus the other girl can't get over me if we have sex I'll be stuck with her.
Trust me you don't know this girl; she's been trying to get with me for about four years.Potion said:Not true at all , if you do just simply say your not ready for a realationship right now sorry.
dui said:Trust me you don't know this girl; she's been trying to get with me for about four years.
I'm cool with all her friends and family lol; I don't care about her feelings. I just rather not lose my virginity to her.Potion said:Ik the type I've had this one girl that i fucked in grade 10 & she's been in love with me since grade 9 , she has a bf and still texts me but it's whatever to me IMO idrc about her feelings lol
dui said:I'm cool with all her friends and family lol; I don't care about her feelings. I just rather not lose my virginity to her.