Vulgar Tags that will 100% Be banned Don't Buy


Power member.
Any sort of "******" word
any Molesting Children Tags
any gamertags where you "Rape" someone
This dumb reset happened in 2013.  A very few did not get banned.  The 2 of mine didn't get banned which was lucky but this reset consisted of only vulgar 1s like Sex and Chode.  I doubt any of you get to keep your tags except for Devil and Chaos.   If you buy these you are an idiot
I can say without a doubt, Mine is not vulgar in any way. I doubt it'll get reset. @dreams
I have the Gamertag Rapers, so yea gonna get fncd
Also don't forgot genitals
Dicks just got FNCd a hour ago.
@Spiritz thats obvious. The only few I couldn't see getting banned are owned by Devil and Chaos and not gonna release them
Dreams said:
@Spiritz thats obvious.   The only few I couldn't see getting banned are owned by Devil and Chaos and not gonna release them

Do you think holocausts will be FNCd?I think so.
@Spiritz every single 1 of these was taken in 2013... Like I said 99% will be banned
Dreams said:
@Spiritz every single 1 of these was taken in 2013...  Like I said 99% will be banned

Even if you dont console it, will it be banned? My PB is sitting on a floating account atm
Can you still claim them or has it been patched?
Fade said:
Can you still claim them or has it been patched?

You can, but almost everything is gone haha
Hansel said:
You can, but almost everything is gone haha

Fuck sake, what did you get???
Pretty sure all mine are going lmao. I was about 4 hours late, so didnt get anything decent.
Although, i had a 3 char and swapped it about a year ago and it wouldnt let me claim it back until this morning.
Fade said:
Fuck sake, what did you get???

Nothing special


and a few funny other ones

those were the best i could snatch lol. Cumbucket will get fnc'd for sure.

Crossing my fingers for Pedobear though
Rude said:
Tried every common drug, nothing...

Got a couple that won't get FNC'd, and a 3 character lol.

Takes a true user to find them.
trapper said:
Drug tags dont get banned stupid horny teens.

Don't create a gamertag, profile content, Avatar action, Avatar content, or in-game content that other users may be offended by. This includes, without limitation, anything related to or suggestive of: profane words/phrases, topics or content of a sexual nature, hate speech (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal activities.
If that's true, then a Microsoft Employees gamertag is getting GG'd.
Homie said:
If that's true, then a Microsoft Employees gamertag is getting GG'd.

employees tags won't get FNC'd or banned lol they work for Microsoft for god sakes
Syllable said:
employees tags won't get FNC'd or banned lol they work for Microsoft for god sakes

Lol im sorry nigga I've never had an xbox or been in the tag market.
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