Any sort of "******" word
any Molesting Children Tags
any gamertags where you "Rape" someone
This dumb reset happened in 2013. A very few did not get banned. The 2 of mine didn't get banned which was lucky but this reset consisted of only vulgar 1s like Sex and Chode. I doubt any of you get to keep your tags except for Devil and Chaos. If you buy these you are an idiot
Any sort of "******" word
any Molesting Children Tags
any gamertags where you "Rape" someone
This dumb reset happened in 2013. A very few did not get banned. The 2 of mine didn't get banned which was lucky but this reset consisted of only vulgar 1s like Sex and Chode. I doubt any of you get to keep your tags except for Devil and Chaos. If you buy these you are an idiot